we LOVE our uncle j!!!!
we started a new "thing" last summer were we go to houston with nana and visit our uncle j at his office and then go to lunch - i'm not sure why - after the first time - uncle j said yes again this year - but he did
for more "black lagoon" pictures go here -
after the "black lagoon" - the boys and i went off to explore at "crocodile lake"...
the boy's had several opportunities to see wildlife here...
be sure to keep your eyes open for these in a store near you!!!!
next time i will blog about our day trip to houston where we ate with uncle j and visited the houston children's museum
thanks lili for the fun time:-)
tell me about it - we have the BEST neighbors!!
thank all of you who celebrated, called, sent emails, texts and cards, and took part in my not-so-baby-anymore birthday celebration!!
happy birthday sweet g.money!! and here's to many more!!!!