this weekend we went to dinosaur valley state park near glen rose

the paluxy river

carnosaur (t-rex like carnivore) tracks in river bed -
left by an

ornithopod (duck-billed like two-legged herbivore) track -
possibly from an
more carnosaur tracks sitting in a sauropod (long neck) track -
left by a
pleurocoelus and being "dinosaurs" on top of a rock formation

the family in front of a t-rex
donated by the 1964-65 world's fair dino exhibit
we had a great time and can't wait for our next adventure!!!
Looks like a fabulous time with the fam. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Robin! It looks like so much fun. We've been talking about camping out there forever but DH will not get off his a-s-s (can I say that here???) and get us a big enough tent - and boy is it going to need to be a big one! ;o)
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