there is a certain friend of mine - whom shall remain nameless - BUT - if she where in the room we could all look at her funny - that has brought it to my attention that i haven't blogged in a while - well - the fact is - i don't have any great pictures of things that we've done lately - however - since this certain friend of mine - who shall remain nameless - has requested a blog - i will do my best to trudge on - sans photos -
this is a thursday thirteen about nothing - i mean - what's so interesting about friends if you can't post their picture - you now - something like this.....
or i could blog about my babies - because who doesn't want to hear about my oh-so-sweet 4 legged friends - but it would be WAY better if you could see their sweet furry faces in a pic like this...
i would even be willing to blog about my husbands "big-boy" weekends - but believe me - you just wouldn't get the picture with out - well - a picture like this.....
(by-the-way cole - you have some major talent son!!!)
and of course who doesn't like to talk about their wedding day - i personally believe that my wedding was the best ever - but you just don't get-the-feel of it without seeing it - i mean i have some awesome friends - wouldn't you rather be looking at pictures of them then hearing me go on and on about how fabulous my wedding was....
and my family - they always do funny things and we go to some really great places - but instead of hearing me say -this is this and that is that - wouldn't you much rather see this....
or even be somewhere drinking this.....
even a picture of me cooking is WAY better then having to pass the time reading about how one morning i cooked some eggs on the grill - right.....
and i could go on and on about how great my "big" family is - or how beautiful my mama is - but if you say someone is beautiful or that a group is really great - wouldn't you rather see them rather than just taking my word at it....
(see - told you she's beautiful)
and when i tell everyone about my little red headed crazy children - wouldn't you rather get the facts about their hair for yourself......
(by-the-way cole - you have some major talent son!!!)

and when i tell everyone about my little red headed crazy children - wouldn't you rather get the facts about their hair for yourself......
(pretty cute stuff - if you ask for my unbiased opinion)
and when you ask me - where did that hair come from - wouldn't you like to see their daddy - i would have you see their daddy rather then believing him - he likes to say it was the mailman!!!
That damn DOG! Soooo cute.
Man, Rob, that is MUDDDDDDY! Looks like fun!
Oh - nice pic of you and your precious friend. I'm sure she'd be thrilled to have that one posted!
LOVE the beach pics. LOVE the margaritaaaaa.
AWESOME pic of you just cooking some eggs - YEAH, in the middle of some campground somewhere!
Your MaMa IS beautiful and so is the rest of your fam!
LOVE the pic of Crim and the boys. Sooo precious - those are some cute red headed boys and I love that yellow jeep!
And you adorable are you? I love you guys!
Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pics!
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