Monday, August 13, 2007


it seems that i am at a place where everything is both good and bad at the same time - i've been really busy - but it seems that i've done nothing - now we are down to 2 weeks of summer and i wanted to take the boys to museums and bowling - i wanted more pool time and play dates - of course i can't wait to get back to school either - i'm looking forward to the new school year - i have ideas and plans for the bluebirds class - hopefully i can pull them all off - i am heartbroken for freinds who have received terrible news and i am bursting with joy for my sweet friends who have had the Lord open a gigantic window for them - God has blessed me and my family so abundantly and i'm going on about doubles - "A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all" Psalm 34:19


The Horton Family said...

Yep, doubles. I feel that way too. Busy but nothing. School is closing in on us too soon! The summer is flying by. I'm excited about the new school year for Jacob and for Em. I also look forward to CDC and all that awaits me there. And God is soooo good. He will take care of us all.

The Horton Family said...

LOVE that picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leah said...

I'm gonna miss seeing you daily at CDC Crim!