Friday, November 16, 2007

Uncle J

our uncle j is a great guy - we LLLLOOOOOVVVVE him because he is SSSSSSSSOOOOOO cool - i'm not sure uncle j thinks getting random calls about how to say such-and-such in spanish or when can you take me to china or how do you play this game is as great as we do but he always plays along which makes him the BEST!!! that said - our fabulous uncle j has requested a pic to be posted of the boys - and because we think he is the BOMB i am happy to comply!!!!! our daddy likes to call this the "karate man only bruise on the inside" pic


The Horton Family said...

Uncle J IS the best! We have an Uncle J and he does NOT compare! :)

Anonymous said...

The Ancient Legend of the Red-headed NINJA NEPHEWS in the pumpkin patch!