Monday, March 23, 2009

the place to begin

when I first started thinking about where to begin our story I was a bit overwhelmed - where does one begin telling about a week long vacation to the world of dreams come true and magic -
then it was clear -
I will give the "hobbit" version of our story next time but the place to begin
- well - I can only start with our daddy - several people made comments pre/during/post trip about rather we were all still talking to each other - the thing is - we truly had a great time - not just at the fun stuff but at the driving/mundane stuff too!
as the "kids" say now-a-days daddy and I are MFEO
(made for each other)
i've said it before and believe me i will say it again -
the LORD blessed me with daddy crim

it's not just about me loving him with all-my-heart - the thing is -
and most importantly to me
- i know that he loves me -
without a doubt - with full conviction

this last week daddy made sure that we had all our wants fulfilled-
we played - we saw - we did it all
and he did it with a happy heart

because he is the man he is - our family had the best vacation

because he is the man he is -
we know that we are loved
because he is the man he is
we love him

thank you daddy for the best week ever!
you are so good to us - and i thank the LORD for you


3 Girl Mommy said... sweet! He is a good man! Glad you had a good time. Look forward to more pics....

3BoyMom said...

What a mighty fine man! Love all you Crims!

The Horton Family said...

Yep, he's ok. :)